All posts by Sonia Maclean

On cyclists, Eagles and the essence of the club

Article by Edmund West

Cyclists are like a family where, to quote the Eagles, Hotel California, ‘You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave’.

It’s important to get back to the very simple essence of the club. The essence of the club is rides and ride leaders, because without ride leaders putting rides on the calendar, the club is nothing.

And the essence of rides with the club is very simple. You meet at a central location, cycle up a trail or road together for the day or a multi day ride then all go home. We encourage ride leaders to focus on the ride that they want to do.

This club is about any member being a ride leader.

If you’re an aspiring new ride leader, contact a friend or even a few friends when you’ve got a plan for a ride, then post your ride on Meetup.

A checklist and more info for ride leaders is on the club website here.

There’s plenty of support out there to help you post your first Meetup ride — talk to the Rides Secretary as a starting point via