Category Archives: News

On cyclists, Eagles and the essence of the club

Article by Edmund West

Cyclists are like a family where, to quote the Eagles, Hotel California, ‘You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave’.

It’s important to get back to the very simple essence of the club. The essence of the club is rides and ride leaders, because without ride leaders putting rides on the calendar, the club is nothing.

And the essence of rides with the club is very simple. You meet at a central location, cycle up a trail or road together for the day or a multi day ride then all go home. We encourage ride leaders to focus on the ride that they want to do.

This club is about any member being a ride leader.

If you’re an aspiring new ride leader, contact a friend or even a few friends when you’ve got a plan for a ride, then post your ride on Meetup.

A checklist and more info for ride leaders is on the club website here.

There’s plenty of support out there to help you post your first Meetup ride — talk to the Rides Secretary as a starting point via 


MBTC now has a Meetup page – More Bakeries Than Cycling. We are listing a few rides each month that are most suitable for introductions to the club for new members. These are rides from the club program that we would like existing members to consider supporting as well, so that we can present our club story to those who choose to join us in our travels. People who come on rides from Meetup are riding as club visitors, not as members. It is also crucial for members to join Meetup and spread the news of MBTC about – go to and click the red sign up link.

Once registered with Meetup (free of charge) you can then go to the club page and become a ‘member’ (a Meetup page member, not new club member). The club page is:

More Bakeries Than Cycling

Melbourne, AU
1,070 Members

This is the Meetup page for Melbourne Bicycle Touring Club (but we do like bakeries). Cycling is a truly remarkable activity; a deceptively simple thing to do. The satisfactio…

Next Meetup

Weekend on the Grand Ridge Road

Saturday, Feb 10, 2018, 9:00 AM
5 Attending

Check out this Meetup Group →

Members who have joined the club Meetup page can be listed as Event Organisers to co-ordinate their rides.

Currently the club page has over 550 members, all of whom will receive notification of club rides listed on Meetup, which is certainly great publicity for the club.

Sunday May 24th Redbeard Bakery ride: 70 to 80 km, hard.

The ride will start from Kyneton and head to Trentham for lunch at the Redbeard bakery. The route will follow quiet, mostly unsealed, roads. After lunch, the ride will continue to Woodend, probably through the Wombat State forest; given that the route via the main road isn’t far, and there will be a lot of time. Mathew ran this ride last year, and it turned out to be a very pleasant route with little traffic.